In this scenario , the china general chamber of commerce convened a workshop on separate eating last june 1 , which strongly recommended this dining way but stopped short of calling for a mandatory state standard 面对消费者和餐饮企业的意见, 6月1日,中国商业联合会召开分餐研讨会,认为分餐可以大力提倡,但不宜制定强制性的国家标准。
Medianation has also been granted an exclusive contract with the china general chamber of commerce to install and advertise on 4 , 000 in - mall advertising displays in major cities such as beijing , shanghai , guangzhou , shenzhen , and shenyang 公司亦与中国商业联合会合作取得一项独家合约,在北京、上海、广州、深圳及渖阳等主要城市的购物商场内安装及经营4 , 000个灯箱广告。
Hong kong , december 9 , 2001 - china s leading outdoor advertising company medianation inc . today announces that its joint - venture subsidiary beijing top result public transportation advertising co . , ltd . ( " beijing top result " ) has entered into an agreement with china red cross and china general chamber of commerce for the launch of a nationwide in - mall first aid kiosk programme 中国主要户外广告公司媒体世纪集团属下合资公司北京通成推广公交广告有限公司(北京通成) ,于二零零一年十一月二十八日与中国红十字会总会及中国商业联合会,在北京正式启动全国大型商业零售企业顾客紧急救护系统。